Monday, February 18, 2008


(1 Thess. 4:13-18)- We, as Christians look forward with anticipation to the time when Jesus comes back for the remainder of His Church that is still on the Earth. The spirits of departed Saints are in Paradise, which is now in Heaven. They have no intermediate body. They are not aware of anything. ( Rev. 6:9 ) Speaks of 'souls under the Altar'; This makes me think that this is the location of Paradise in Heaven. Since there is no time in death, the time between death & resurrection for a person is like the blink of an eye. At a time known only by the Father, Jesus will come for us, when the last person on earth is saved. The time is really getting close. The EU is the Roman Empire being revived. (2 Thess. 2:3)- First there must be a falling away. That is happening now. Some Churches are compromising God's Truth to make it more acceptable to worldly people. I believe many Churches will have enough members left to continue meeting after the Rapture. I don't believe the Unsaved will see or hear anything. People will just disappear. As Jesus just left His clothing in the Tomb, we will just leave a heap of clothing. This is open for more speculation. Israel is surrounded by enemies as prophecied. (Zech. 14:2) The EU will be ready for the Antichrist when it becomes a Military, as well as a Political & Economic Community of Nations. Then, I believe one more event is necessary. Israel will become an International City. In (Dan. 9:27) the Antichrist, at the beginning of the 'Tribulation' will covenant with the Jews that they can rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem. When Israel is an International city, the Antichrist will have the political power to do this. The Revived Roman Empire, the seventh head of the beast, led by the Little Horn of Daniel (Dan. 7:8) that rises to become the Antichrist won't be revealed until until after the Rapture of the Saints. The 'Time' has come. (1 Thess 4:14) Jesus will bring with Him all of the spirits in Paradise. The Archangel ( Michael ?) will shout, the Trumpet will sound. The bodies of the 'Dead in Christ', sown in corruption and now raised incorruptible , along with the living Saints changed in the twinkling of an eye, will rise to meet the Lord in the air. So, we'll ever be with the Lord. This is not to be confused with the 2nd Coming. At the 2nd coming, we will come back with Him to Reign on earth for 1,000 yrs. NOTE:- There will be another Rapture of the Saints at the end of the Tribulation. This will be covered in another Article. WHADDA YA THINK?, BLOG ME

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