Friday, March 28, 2008


God created animals with a body and a soul. They had no spirit whereby they could commune, or even be conscious of God's existence. The soul is the life of the body and God gave them a nature to satisfy their needs. God gave them Instinct to cope with environment. They don't know that they will die. Man is body, soul and spirit -(1 Thess. 5:23). With a spirit, we have a higher intellect and a God conciousness. God gave Adam and Eve instructions of what not to do. To rebel against God is sin. With sin comes consequences. There are consequences for sin and consequences for doing good. Good is better. God gave man the ability to choose. God is Spirit and Satan is spirit. (1 John 4:1)- Test the spirits whether they be of God. If we are misled by a false teacher, or preacher/priest, it's our own fault for not checking it out in God's word, and the Bible is the only word of God. Jesus is the Word of God and through the Holy Spirit He inspired men to write. No man takes precedence over the Bible. It's a sin to not study the Bible -(2 Tim. 2:15). In our spirit, God gave us a conscience. If we haven't hardened our heart (spirit), our conscience can be our guide to discern between right and wrong, but the Bible is our roadmap to heaven. (Rom. 7:8-10)- Without the Law, sin was dead -(Not nonexistent, but not fully understood). With the commandments came death, because now they had no cloke for their sin. -(John 15:22)(Rom.3:20)-By the Law is the knowledge of sin. But, the Lord provided a way, until Jesus paid the penalty for them. (John 9:41)-If you were blind (To the truth) you would have no sin, but you say, you see, therefore your sin remains. A child does things that would be a sin for us, but the child isn't accountable, because he doesn't know any better. This could apply to the retarded, the heathen and the ignorant. But, those with the intelligence to do so, would need to be a seeker of God, our creator. The Holy Spirit would lead them. (Heb.4:12)- Jesus, the Word of God, divides our soul from our spirit when He saves us, and then indwells our spirit with the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 7:19-25)- The good that I would, I do not, but the evil which I would not, that I do./ Our spirit wants to do good, but our carnal, sinful carnal nature, doesn't. Our mind is our soul & our spirit. When the Lord divides our mind and indwells our spirit, That leaves our soul to be our sinful, animal nature. There will be a continual war in our mind, between soul & spirit, all of our life, from the time that we are saved and indwelled by the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 4:8)-It's good that God does not impute sin to us. But, The Lord still commands us to confess and repent from sin. -(1 John 1:9) Them who confess their sins without repenting are mocking God. -(Gal. 6:7-8) It won't work. Con

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


(REV. 13:1-2)- I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having 7 heads and 10 horns, and upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. The beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion; and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority./ This is an illustration of the world kingdoms past and the last one that is now in the making. The seven heads symbolize seven kingdoms. The 10 horns represent 10 kings (Nations) that combine to make up the final world kingdom. The 7 heads represent Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece, Roman Empire and the future Roman Empire. The future Roman Empire is now under construction as the European Union. (DAN. 2:31-35)- God used Daniel to explain Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a great image. The head of gold was Babylon, the shoulders of silver was Media/Persia, the thighs of brass was Greece, the legs of iron was Rome. The ten toes was the revived Roman Empire (10 toes/10 horns). The toes were a mixture of clay and iron, an empire loosely held together. The stone that struck the toes was Christ. Jesus will destroy this final world empire at his 2nd coming and will fill the earth. (REV. 13:2)- The lion was the symbol of Babylon, the bear was Media/Persia and the leopard was Greece -(DAN.7:4-6). The dragon (Satan) will give the antichrist his power. Satan copies after God at times. The evil trinity is Satan, Antichrist & False Prophet. I believe that the antichrist & false prophet are the same person. In his political capacity he is antichrist & in his religious capacity he is the false prophet. (REV.13:11-12)- I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. He exercises all the powerof the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound is healed./ This beast out of the earth will be the 2nd person of the evil trinity and with two horns as a lamb copies the 2nd person of God, Jesus, the lamb of God. He speaks as a dragon (Satan). (REV. 13:14)- The false prophet tells the world to make an image of the first beast, which had a wound by the sword and did live. This is a reference to the 1st beast, the original Roman Empire that was wounded, and ceased to exist (406AD) as a unified empire. It was never conquered, but like the present day United States that is collapsing from within, from multiculturism. We have lost our christian compass that made us great. The Roman Empire was wounded, but now is living again; not strong as iron but weak like iron mixed with clay. Using this image, as required by the False Prophet, the people will worship the Antichrist who claims to be God. (REV. 16:13-18)- The Beast causes everyone to receive a Mark, or the name, or the number of his name in the right hand, or in their forehead. I believe this will be an identification required to stop identity theft and to give details of the person. It may be an embedded chip or bar code. Without it, a person couldn't buy groceries or have a job, but with it you choose eternal damnation. There will be some in Israel, and probably other places, that refuse the mark and recognize the Messiah at His 2nd appearance and consequently survive Armageddon and live into the millenial reign of Jesus, but in their fleshly bodies. This remnant will repopulate the world with families. We, in our eternal bodies will be like the angels, Sons of God, physically and spititually. We will help Jesus rule the world as Kings -(REV. 1:6). (Jesus will be King of Kings) (REV. 17:9-12)- The seven heads are also seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings, five are fallen, one is, and another is not yet come. The beast is the eighth, and is of the seven. The ten horns are 10 kings that serve with the beast a short time./ The seven heads are the seven world kingdoms mentioned, but the heads also represent seven mountains where the woman sits. (REV. 17:1)- The whore is the unfaithful Bride of Christ (The church that exists around the world, that is unfaithful) She has had intercourse with the world. She sits on seven mountains, the seven hills of Rome. And, She rides the beast with seven heads and 10 horns -(REV. 17:3) The ' Treaty of Rome' brought about the establishment of the European Economic Community in Capitoline Palace on Capitoline Hill. In this Palace room was a statue of Pope Innocent. (NOTE:- Please correct me if I get my facts wrong.) Capitoline Hill is one of the seven hills of the original Rome. The woman sits on seven mountains (Hills). This is the seat of the unfaithfull church. And, in Rome where the revived Roman Empire gets its beginning. (In 1947 at the Treaty of London was the beginning of the Community of Nations. It had 10 nations sign, and advanced then to Rome in 1954 for the EEC) (REV. 17:10)-There are seven kings (Before described as seven World Kingdoms). Five (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media/Persia and Greece) are fallen, one is (Rome) and one is not yet come (Revived Roman Empire). The king of the revived Roman Empire will be Antichrist. After he, as a little horn (Little King) roots out 3 of the 10 horns -(DAN. 7:7-8) , (takes the leadership of 3 of the ten Kings) (Probably Italy, Germany and France) and then leadership of the other seven kings also, making him the eighth king, and as becoming leader of the 7th world kingdom. He then is the eighth king and one of the seven heads. (Go ahead tell me, "It's plain as mud") Con

Thursday, March 20, 2008


(MARK 13:32)- But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father./ (LUKE 21:20)- When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh./ This verse is speaking of what will happen when it's near to the 'Battle of Armageddon'. The Rapture will precede this by 7 years. Jerusalem is now surrounded by enemies. It has had few allies that would support it politically. The United States is now deserting the Jews. This is a big mistake for us, because of the consequences. The Lord told Abram (Abraham) in (GEN. 12:2-3)- I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shall be a blessing: and I shall bless them that bless thee and curse him that curses thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed./ The United States has been blessed from it's beginning; but as a nation, we have not only deserted God, we are also deserting Israel. The beginning of our downfall is when we allowed the atheists to take the Bible out of our schools. Exerpts from (MATT. 24:5-14)- Many shall come in my name and deceive many. You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars --- but the end is not yet. Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. They shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and you shall be hated by all nations for my namesake. Many false prophets shall rise and deceive many. Iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall turn cold. The Gospel will be preached in all the world and then the end shall come./ Most of this is already happening. Many churches are compromising with the world. When a church takes in worldly entertainment and waters down the Gospel message, the membership grows faster, but the church is losing its first love. Even Mother Teresa didn't evangelize as she helped the poor. She seemed to believe that all religious roads lead to heaven. Many of our church members are inactive witnesses. They can talk about anything but Jesus. If you're ashamed of Jesus, you may not have a saviour. We are now in a great 'Apostasy'. The Ecumenical movement is designed to bring all churches under a common leadership and, more than likely, finally under the leadership of the Pope and catholicism. Jesus said, "Strait (Difficult) is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life eternal and few there be that find it. -(MATT. 7:14) (2 THESS. 2:3)-Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin (Antichrist) be revealed, the son of perdition./ This prophecy is being fulfilled now. Before Antichrist is revealed, the church will be taken out. (Rapture-caught up, 1 THESS, 4:17) (DAN. 9:27a)- He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week./ At the beginning of the Tribulation period of 7 yrs., the Antichrist will make a covenant with the Jews; then, they will be able to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem. I think that three events will take place before the Rapture so that the Antichrist can do this legally. The European Union, which is fast becoming the 'Revived Roman Empire'. NOTE:- What I am about to say may offend some of you. We must keep in mind that all christians will be taken out at the rapture of the saints. There will be many church members, Protestant, Catholic, and all the others, who aren't Born-Again believers, that won't go. / The Antichrist will be Italian. (DAN. 9:26) The people of the prince that will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary./ The Roman general Titus did this in 70AD. The Antichrist will be a little king. (DAN. 7:8)- A little horn rooted up three of the horns. Horns symbolize Kings. The Trib. will begin with 10 nations (10 Horns) of the EU in control along with other associate members. A little king (Little Horn) will take leadership of 3 of these controlling nations. The Pope is a little King. He has no army, but much influence. The number of the Antichrist will be 666. The official title of the pope is 'Vicar Of The Son Of God'. It is used only when a new Pope is crowned. (Latin:- Vicarius Filii Dei ) Using Roman Numerals= 666. The 3 nations that I think will follow the Pope is Italy, Germany and France. These 3 nations are 3 of the 10 horns on the Beast out of the sea (Rev. ch 13). the other 7 horns are U.K., Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain & Greece. These 10 nations have full voting rights. The other 17 nations of the EU are associate or observer members. The Pope now is German. Maybe the next one will be Italian, and then, only maybe, he will be Antichrist. For several years the recent Popes have wanted Jerusalem to be an International city. This will be necessary so the antichrist can legally allow the Jews to build their Temple. To summerize, I think that (1)- There must be an Italian Pope. (2)- Jerusalem must be an International city. (3)- The new European Treaty needs to be ratified. It is a rework of the EU Constitution that failed to be Ratified by member nations. This treaty will require member nations to give up their sovereignty, allowing the EU to control all the armies. The Antichrist will need this power. The time is near and at 82 yrs., I think I may one of them who are changed when Jesus comes for us, without going by way of the grave. Beautiful thought, but it's also comforting to have no fear of death. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Con

Sunday, March 16, 2008


(Gen. 1:1-2)- In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters./ Satan had already been created, rebelled and been judged and cast out of heaven to the earth, along with all the angels that followed him.. (Luke 10:18)- Jesus said, "I saw Satan, like lightening, fall from heaven". 6000 yrs ago the earth was already there, but was without form. God recreated or renewed what was already there. God always created things good, not in a destroyed form. When was the beginning? No one knows but God. This is the 'GAP', between Gen. 1:1 & Gen. 1:2. It may have been millions or even billions of yrs. If a star is 100,000 light yrs. away, the light we see today from that particular star left that star 100,000 yrs. ago; so creation of that star was before then. (Matt. 22:30)- In the resurrection we will be like the angels. Do you think that perhaps at one time they were similar to us? Someone or something occupied the earth after it's original creation. Satan had been cast out of heaven to the earth and more than likely brought the earth and it's occupants to corruption and destruction. We know that even now Satan is corrupting the earth and bringing it to destruction, again. This will be the last time because at the white Throne Judgement he goes permanently into the 'Lake of Fire'.-(Rev. 20:10) (Rev. 12:9)-Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven again. He has great wrath, knowing his time is short. This begins the 'Abomination of Desolation' and the 2nd half of the Trib. period, called the 'Great Tribulation'. After Satan was originally cast out of heaven, he still came back to report to God. But, God limited Satan's torments of Job. Satan must obey God. Then, why does God allow Satan to bring such misery on innocent people? The ungodly like to blame God. Why don't they blame Satan? The reason is that Satan is speaking through them. The Gap Theory would explain Dinosaur bones in the earth. After the last resurrection, there will not be any bones of people left in the earth, but there may be animal bones. There will be ashes of the people that burned in the Lake of Fire that consumes the surface of the earth (2 Pet.3:10) as Jesus begins remodeling the earth in preparation for the 'New Jerusalem'. -(Rev. 21:10) (Mal.4:1, 3)- For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud yes, all the wicked will be stubble. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the sole of your feet. The 'Lake of Fire' is in the center of the earth. Jesus brings it out to destroy the bodies of the ungodly and prepare the earth for remodeling. The spirits of the ungodly will go into the earth's center, as the fire recedes, to where Antichrist & the False Prophet have been for 1,000 yrs., for their eternal separation and torment.(Actually, I think that Antichrist & False Prophet are the same person. Politically he is Antichrist & as a religious leader he is the False Prophet) There will be no seas (salt water). The earth will again be a paradise, like the garden of Eden was. We will walk in and out the gates of the New Jerusalem, where our mansions are, and tread on the ashes of the unrighteous.-(Mal. 4:3) (Matt. 5:5)-Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. We will have a body like the one Jesus has.-(Phil. 3:21) After Jesus' resurrection, He could disappear and reappear miles away. Using my imagination, I think that we'll be able to travel with the speed of thought. Who needs a jet plane? What will our bodies be like? (Heb. 4:12)- The Word of God (Jesus) is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart./ When we get saved, Jesus divides our soul from our spirit and then indwells our spirit with the presence of the Holy Spirit. But, what about the joints and marrow. Jesus told His disciples, (Luke 24:39)- He was flesh & bone. No mention of blood. It is generally believed that we will have flesh & bone without blood. Marrow is in the bone and it makes blood; joints are bone. Our bones then will have no blood making marrow. We will have no digestive system. We will still enjoy eating. Jesus ate fish. No outhouses in heaven. WHADDA YA THINK ? Con

Monday, March 10, 2008


Jesus received power at His water Baptism. After His symbolic resurrection, the Holy Spirit came down on Him in the form of a dove and remained -(John 1:33). Now, Jesus had the power to do miraculus things. Jesus was 'Full of the Spirit'.-(Micah 3:8) (Luke 4:1)- Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan./ Jesus' baptism with water was symbolic of cleansing for us. The real cleansing for us was when He died on the cross. (Luke 12:50)-Jesus said, "I have a baptism to undergo and I am distressed until it be accomplished. Being 'filled with the Holy Spirit' and being 'baptized with the Holy Spirit' aren't the same thing. John the Baptist was filled (Enabled) by the Holy Spirit from birth. -(Luke 1:15). When, as christians, we are available to teach, preach, or witness, the Lord enables us also. But to be saved, we are baptized with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. That is our Seal until our physical redemption (The Rapture) (1 Cor. 12:13) (Eph. 1:13) (Eph. 4:30). Jesus' resurrection from water was symbolic of His resurrection from the dead. Our water baptism symbolizes death, burial and resurrection with Jesus -(Rom.6:4-8). If we be dead with Christ, we believe that we also shall live with Him. (Titus 3:5)-Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost./ Baptism doesn't save anyone, but it's the answer of a good concience toward God -(1 Pet.3:21), and we are raised to walk in newness of life -(ROM. 6:4-5). FILLED WITH HOLY SPIRIT:- This is an enabling by God. We submit to the Father and then He can work through us. God get's the credit, we will be rewarded at the Judgement Seat Of Christ in Heaven. On Pentecost when the Church was established, Tongues of Fire sat on the heads of the disciples. This indicated the presence of God (Moses & Burning Bush). The sound of rushing wind filled the house (House of God-Temple area). The sound of wind filled the house, but the Holy Spirit 'Filled' the disciples. NOTE:-This is not when Jesus baptized them with the Holy Spirit. The Disciples were enabled to speak in languages that they had never learned. Peter preached and said,"Repent and be Baptized for the forgiveness of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" -(Acts 2:38) They who received His Word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 souls. -(Acts 3:41) They were now obedient believers and were added to the Church. Jesus, the Word Of God, Sharper than a two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12), divided the soul from the spirit, indwelled their spirit with the Holy Spirit (Baptism, purification, real cleansing, forgiveness, Sealed) and this was the beginning of their eternal life. Now, isn't this legalism, is Jesus so legalistic? No, Jesus will save any penitent believer, regardless of how ignorant of scripture, or handicapped physically. The thief on the cross didn't get baptized and John's Baptism was also for the forgiveness of sins. If God was legalistic, what about our many sins of omission that we didn't pray about? -(1 John 1:9) (Rom. 4:8)- Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin./ Abraham believed and it was imputed to him as righteousness. When a person believes and puts his faith into action (James 2:17 - Faith without works is dead) the Lord will not reject him. CONCLUSION: Whoever comes to the Lord wholeheartedly will be led by the Holy Spirit and he is saved. We don't need to skip scriptures because we might sound legalistic. (2 Tim. 2:15)- Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. Con

Friday, March 7, 2008


I have never heard anyone teach that there would be a 'Tribulation Rapture', but I believe that this is taught in the book of Revelations. To begin with, I will attempt to explain 'Two Witnesses'. Commentaries suggest they will probably be Moses & Elijah. We know that Elijah was translated so that he didn't experience death. What about Moses? He appeared with Elijah at the Transfiguration. Both had their eternal bodies. I can only expect to get my eternal body at the Rapture of the Saints, when I will be changed or resurrected with an incorruptible body. The spirits of the dead in Christ are now in Paradise. (1 Thess. 4:14)- Jesus will bring them along to their ressurection. Back to Moses. Because of sin Moses couldn't enter the Promised Land. After turning the leadership over to Joshua, Moses was led up on Mt. Nebo -(Deut. 34:1-8). After seeing the Promised Land, Moses died (Dict. Ceased existing) & God buried him (Dict. Hidden from view).The Israelites couldn't find the body or grave of Moses. Some say, "He died and was resurrected". Impossible, because Jesus was the firstfruits of the resurrection. God is not going to take away the eternal bodies of Moses and Elijah to make them die in a physical, earthly body as martyred witnesses. The two ' Witnesses' in (Rev., Ch. 17) were two olive trees and also two lampstands. (Rev. 1:20) Lampstands/Candlesticks represent churches. The Jews were represented by an 'Olive Tree' (Rom. 11:23-25) and the Gentiles also, a wild olive branch that was grafted in when the Jews were cut off. The Two Witnesses will be Christian Jews and Christian Gentiles. NOTE:- Rev. does not follow a chronological order. (Rev. ch. 7)- This concerns the sealing of the 144,000 christians from the 12 tribes (omitting Dan) of Israel. In 722 BC the northern 10 tribes of Israel were defeated and dispersed by Assyria. At this time in history only those of the tribe of Judah were called Jews. Over a 100 yrs. later the southern two tribes were of Judea and were all called Jews, at the time of the Babylon Captivity. The general reference to Jews since then applied to only them (Judah,Simeon and a small part of Benjamin, near Jerusalem), and since anyone not a Jew is a Gentile, the 144,000 were 10 tribes of Gentiles And 2 tribes of Jews. The 'Two Witnesses' of Rev. were the the 144,000 in Chap.7 of Rev. NOTE:- (REV. 7:3-4)-These christians were sealed with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit just as Born-Again christians are today -(EPH. 4:30). (Rev. 6:9-11)- The souls (spirits) under the altar were the 1st martyrs (After the 'Abomination of Desolation') from among the Witnesses. They were in Paradise without a body. God gave them white robes (Righteousness) and told to wait until their fellowservants (other Witnesses) and brethern (converts) are killed. (Rev. 11:7-9)- The Antichrist wouldn't allow the bodies of these christians to be buried. The Witnesses were martyred during the second half of the 7 yrs. Tribulation. (Rev. 11:11-12)- At the end of the second 3 1/2 yrs. The Holy Spirit entered into their bodies and they all stood on their feet. A great voice from heaven said to them,"Come up here" and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud. This is the TRIBULATION RAPTURE. Con ANSWER TO COMMENT BY AlexS (Click on COMMENTS below to read.) 3/20/08 Thanks for a chance to explain. Ques.- Doesn't this interpretation stray somewhat from a literal reading of the book of Revelation? (for example, the Bible does say two witnesses.) There is no indication that the Two Witnesses must be individuals. The two witnesses are Two Olive Trees (Rev. 11:4) In Zech. Chapters 3&4 two Olive Trees represent 2 individuals. They are Zerubbabel (Leader of tribe of Judah) & Joshua (A Priest), but there is no connection to the Two Witnesses of Rev.11. The Jews and Gentiles were represented by an olive tree. When the Jews in general rejected the Gospel, they were cut off and Paul turned to the Gentiles, who were a wild olive branch grafted in where the natural branch was cut off. (Acts 13:46) (Rom. 11:17-24), and so both Jews & Gentiles were represented by olive trees. They are also two candlesticks/lampstands (KJV). (Rev. 1:20)- Seven lampstands are seven churches. I hope this clarifies my stand. I will welcome other questions you say you have. If I'm wrong, I want to know it and make changes. Who is right isn't important, what is right is important. Con PS- Check out the Weblog of AMSMITH. Click on Comments, Then Click on AMSMITH

Thursday, March 6, 2008


The 'Day of the Lord' is a time when God reveals His sovereignty over human powers and human existence: JUDGEMENT DAY. This isn't particularly referring to the Judgement Seat of Christ, where christians' works are judged and rewarded; nor the Great White Throne Judgement where the ungodly kneel before Jesus to be judged and cast into the Lake of Fire. No, it's referring to a time, recorded in Revelations, when Satan is unseated as God of this world. Jesus is reclaiming what has always belonged to Him. The powers that be are judged. The final world conflict (Armaggedon) takes place. Tribulation Saints are taken out at the end of the Tribulation after their resurrection; not to be confused with the Rapture we are waiting for. At the end of the conflict, Jesus will return to earth (2nd Coming) with all of the Saints to set up His Millenial Kingdom. We will help Jesus reign over the 'remnant' saved out of the Tribulation Period as they, in their bodies of flesh, will multiply, repopulating the world. (ZECH.14:1-11)- Jesus will touch down on the Mt. of Olives, from where He also ascended. The mountain will divide to the north & south leaving a valley from east to west. Through this valley the remnant of Jews, who didn't receive the 'Mark of the Beast' will escape from the armies of the Antichrist. (Zech.14:12-16)- there will be others, who didn't receive the Mark of the beast also saved out of Armageddon. Those who came against Jerusalem will suffer the Lord's plague; their flesh will consume as they stand on their feet and their tongues will consume in their mouth. During the battle of Armageddon they will be using H-Bombs that cause this type of radiation. Jerusalem is now surrounded by enemies. It won't be long until the revived Roman Empire (The European Union) will be ready for the Antichrist. But, we will be raptured out before this happens. As soon as we are raptured, Antichrist, received by the world as a great man of peace, will covenant with the Jews so that the Jews can rebuild their Temple. For years the Jews have been planning on rebuilding the Temple. They would need a red heifer for ceremonial purposes. There have been no red heifers for centuries. They were extinct. In October, 1996 a red heifer was born to a black & white mother and a black father. This is God's arrangement for the time is near. (1Thess 5:2-3)- Following the Rapture there will be 3 1/2 years of peace under the Antichrist. Then, the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. When they shall say, peace and safety, then sudden destruction. The Antichrist will enter the Temple and demand to be worshiped as God. This is the 'Abomination of Desolation'. They begin killing all christians and burial isn't allowed. NOTE:- The book of Daniel should be studied before studying Revelations. The prophecies of the two books are related. (Rom. 2:5)- God's judgement is called the 'Day of Wrath'. (1 Thess. 5:9)- God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. By this we know that we will be raptured out before the Tribulation period. Con