Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Added : Wednesday, December 10th 2008 by feralpups The Trinity (God in three persons) didn't seem to be common knowledge in OT times. (Gen.1:26)- God said, let us make man in our image./ This suggests that God is more than one person. (Isa.48:12)- Jehovah says, I am the first, I also am the last./ Jesus said this same thing in -(Rev.1:17). (Isa.48:16-17)- This is the only OT scripture that I know of where each member of the Trinity is referred to. " There am I: (Jehovah/God the Son) and now the Lord God (Father) and his Spirit (Holy Spirit) hath sent me. Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, the Holy one of Israel./ Jehovah is speaking here calling himself the redeemer of Israel. Jesus redeemed all christians and the future remnant of Israel that will be saved through the Tribulation to continue living in their natural bodies into the millenial reign of Jesus on earth. -(Zech.14:16) (Zeph.3:8-13)- Here the Lord (Jehovah) speaks of himself doing what Jesus will do in gathering the nations to Armageddon, and the remnant will serve him into the millenium. (John 1:18)- No man has seen God (The Father) at any time. (Ex.33:20-23)- Moses saw the back parts of Jehovah./ No man has ever seen God the Father, but Jehovah was God the Son. (Gen.18:20-22)- Abraham was speaking face to face with the Lord (Jehovah, JHVH, Yahwey) as he was appealing for Sodom & Gomorrah. Con


Added : Saturday, December 6th 2008 by feralpups First let me say that the Word 'Tithe' is not used in NT scripture concerning the Church. The Church began in Acts. Chap. 2. This doesn't mean that the Lord doesn't expect us to give to support the preaching of the Gospel. Before the OT Law was instituted with the giving of the 10 Commandments, Abraham Tithed to Melchisedek -(Gen.14:20). Under the Law -(Lev.27:30)- a tithe of each person's increase "is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord. (Mal.3:8)- Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed me. But you say wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings./ The tithe is the first 10th of a person's increase. Some preach that the offering is money above & beyond the tithe, not so. (Mal.1:8)- If you 'offer' the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if you offer the lame and sick, is it not evil?/ The 'offerings' of animals were to be done with a perfect specimen of an animal without blemish. They robbed God by giving the worst to God. THE OT Law doesn't necessarilly apply to christians, but may be similar to teaching in the NT. (Col.2:14)- Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross./ We do not use the Law for christian doctrine. To take old testament law and apply it to christians is misapplying scripture by taking it out of context. New Testament doctrine: (1 Cor.16:2)- Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God has prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come./ Paul had asked the churches to collect money to be brought to the poor saints in Jerusalem, but it is our NT teaching as to how we should give. (2 Cor.9:6-7)- He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver./ Con


Added : Sunday, November 30th 2008 by feralpups THE TRANSFIGURATION (Deut.34:1-7)- The Israelites had wandered in the desert for 40 yrs. Moses led them out of Egypt, crossing the Red Sea on dry land. When they came to the land God had promised them, they sent 12 men into Caanan to spy out the land. They brought back Produce to show how fertile the land was, but 10 of the spys gave a bad report. There were giants in the land and they could never take it by force. Joshua and Caleb gave a good report: The Lord would help them to take it. They lacked faith in the Lord and moved on, not trusting his promise. God punished them by leading them in the desert for 40 yrs, until everyone over 20yrs old had died except Joshua and Caleb. Moses was still their leader, but he had sinned when he struck the rock to get water instead of speaking to it as instructed. Now, they were again to enter the Promised Land, but Moses couldn't go in and God chose Joshua to lead them into the Promised Land. God led Moses up Mt. Nebo to the top of the peak, Pisgah. The Lord showed Moses all of the Promised Land. (Deut.34:6-7)- God buried Moses, but no one could ever find Moses grave. But, the Bible says "God buried him". One of the meanings of 'Buried' in the Dict. is 'Hidden from view' so God hid him from view by taking him. That's why his grave couldn't be found. There wasn't one. (Deut.34:7)- Moses was 120 yrs old, but his eye was not dimmed and he was strong. At the Transfiguration of Jesus -(Matt.17:2-3)- Moses and Elijah appeared with him. (2 Kings 2:11)-A chariot of fire came between Elijah and Elisha and Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. Some say that Moses was resurrected after he died, then receiving his eternal body. (Col.1:18)-Jesus was the Firstborn from the dead, not Elijah. So how did Moses get his eternal body like Elijah? There is no way except that Moses was translated so as not to see death as was Elijah. Con