Friday, January 15, 2010


37) EVOLUTION, INTELLIGENT DESIGN OR CREATION ? (Gen.1:1)- In the beginning God./ This first verse in the Bible has probably created more controversy than any other statement. Evolutionists are usually Atheists or Agnostics. Our children in school are being brainwashed. They are taught ungodliness in the form of Evolution. If they don't receive Godliness at home, they may never seek the Lord. Evolutionists theorize that the Cosmos started with a big Bang. If there was something there to cause the Big Bang, then how did it get there and where did it come from? Maybe God chose that way to begin the Universe, and maybe it was 13.9 billion yrs ago, no one knows. Some Christians believe in the young earth theory (6,000 yrs) and some Christians believe in the Old earth theory. Actually no one really knows when the Beginning was, and whether 6,000 yrs ago the earth was created, or perhaps it was recreated after having been destroyed. An Evolutionist theorized that if the chemical building blocks are there, sooner or later they will form life. A theoretical opponent proposed, if a frog is put into a blender and emulsified, put into a container in the Sun for a million yrs, will it turn into a frog? The answer was no. If Scientists are so smart to know how it all happened by accident, why can't they make it happen on purpose. One scientist said (All Scientist aren't Atheists, they are just ignored) Life coming about the way Evolutionists theorize are comparable to the Odds of one person buying one State lottery each week and winning every week for 1,000,000 yrs. Or the odds are like a Tornado going through a junkyard and bringing the junk together as a Boing 747. The odds are 10 to the 100,000,000th power. That's a number even Obama can't come up with. The evolutionists say that life began in some great primordial soup, in an ocean or a pond. They pull this primordial soup out of the air without saying how it got there. If the protein in this soup did form something, what gave it life. There are 100,000,000 catalogued, identified Fossils in the world's Museums, but there were no fossils that showed a gradual change from one form to another, not one. Nothing evolved from one species to another. Now, when it comes to Darwin's 'Survival of the Fittest' theory, we can see that from Noah and his family, there are many races of people. People are affected by environment, customs & lifestyles over 1,000's of yrs. But, nothing ever changes from one species to another. Them who believe in Intelligent Design that are still Atheists or Agnostics do compromise their evolutionist theories to show more intelligence, but fall short by not getting to know that Intelligent Designer personally. Schools will not let the students advance a different theory like Intelligent Design or Creation. The Theory of Evolution cannot allow opposition. Their mind is made up and don't want to be confused with facts. It all boils down to a Brainwash. There is a God that has created the Universe and everything in it. God is Omniscient (All knowing), Omnipotent (All powerful) and Omnipresent (Present everywhere at once). The ungodly can't understand how we can know this. Christians have the indwelling presence of God's Holy Spirit in their spirit. Then, God's Spirit bears witness with our spirit (Mind) that we are sons of God. Christians hear the Word, believe the Word and obey the Word. We do not have blind Faith. We who seek God will find him. God communicated with man through Prophets, the inspired Word, through convictions by the Holy Spirit and finally by coming to earth to live among men, teach them, train them and to live a sinless life, then dying to pay the penalty for sin so we could have eternal life. God is Spirit. God made us in his image by giving us a spirit. God is love, Satan is the God of this world for now, but his time is short. Them who are deceived by his lies are fools. They will realize their folly on Judgement Day. There is still time to be saved, but only by submitting to the Lordship of God and obeying the Gospel (Good news) of Christ. Con


36) WHEN A PERSON DIES, - WHAT NEXT? In the Hebrew Bible, the word Sheol is used 65 times. It means 'Place of the Dead'. It is translated in the KJV 31 times as Hell, 31 times as Grave and 3 times as Pit. Before Jesus resurrected from the dead, the spirits of all who died went to Sheol. The spirits of the Saints and the ungodly all resided in Hell. The spirits of the Saints couldn't go to heaven on the strength of animal blood, which was a temporary payment for sin until Jesus paid the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross for us. The spirits of the unsaved would remain in Hell until their resurrection in bodies of flesh to kneel before Jesus at the Great White Throne Judgement at the end of Jesus' millenial reign on earth. Then they are cast into the Lake of fire & brimstone. where Satan and the Antichrist are. Since Hell was divided into two parts, the ungodly there were not yet into the Lake of Fire, but that was their destination. The Catholics say Jesus didn't finish the work on the Cross, and that Jesus went into the flames in Hell. That is incorrect. There are no flames in Hell (Grave) at this time. Jesus went to Paradise in Hell. There is no Purgatory. No Christian ever suffers the flames. It isn't in the Bible. The spirits of Saints were in Paradise. Jesus told the Thief on the cross, "Today you will be with me in Paradise". Jesus said, "I will build my church". (Acts 20:28)- Jesus purchased the church with his own blood. The OT Saints were the first members of the church. When Jesus died on the cross, his spirit did not go to heaven, but went to Paradise, in Hell. (Eph.4:8)- He who ascended first descended into the lower parts of the earth. He took Captivity captive, he led captives on high. /Jesus had paid the sin penalty for the Saints in Paradise so now he wastaking Paradise to heaven. But, first Jesus resurrected from the dead and talked to Mary Magdalene. She recognized Jesus and took hold of him. Jesus said, (John 20:17) "Don't touch me, I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go and tell my Disciples, I go to my Father and your Father, and my God andyourGod. Now Paradise is in heaven. (2 Cor.5:8)- If we are absent from the body, we are present with the Lord. When a Christian dies, the angels carry his/her spirit to Paradise. -(Luke 16:22) We will have no intermediate body. There is no time in death. For a Christian that dies, it is as if the eyes are closed in death, then, to him, he immediately opens his eyes and all Christians are there at the resurrection of the Saints at the Rapture. (1 Thess.4:17) (Gal.3:28)- There is neither Jew or Greek, bond or free, male or female, we are all one in Christ Jesus. Now, we are all Sons of God spiritually. At the Rapture we will all be raised Sons of God, physically and spiritually. We will be sexless like the angels. (1 John 3:2)- We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. / We will have an eternal body similar to the one Jesus received at his resurrection. He could disappear and then appear at a different location. We will be able to eat as Jesus did, but I don't believe we will have a digestive system. (Heb.4:12)- The Word of God (Jesus) is sharper than a two edged sword, even to the dividing of soul & spirit and joints & marrow./ When Jesus saves us, he divides our soul from our spirit and indwells our spirit with the Holy Spirit. At our resurrection, he will divide our joints (bone) from our marrow (blood). We will be flesh and bone, but without blood. (Isa.64:4) (1 Cor.2:9)- Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for them that love him. Time is short and eternity is long and God is great. We don't want to miss heaven. Salvation is free to all who believe the Gospel & obey what the word of God teaches. Jesus said, (John 14:6) I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by me. (Jesus) Make your calling and election sure, Run the race to win. See you there, Con.