Wednesday, February 13, 2008


(GAL.1:11-12)- Paul had the gift of 'Knowledge'. God revealed Truth to him and it became scripture. The Apostles were given the Gift to heal.
(1 Thess 4:17)- Paul Prophecied that Jesus was coming for the Saints.
(Acts 2:3) On Pentecost the Apostles and others (120 in all) were gathered in the
house (Temple Court of the Gentiles, House of God) The Apostles were Filled with the Holy Spirit and miraculously spoke in languages they did'nt
know, (Tongues). The Apostles could lay hands on a convert and that
person was 'Filled' with the Spirit. This Laying on of Hands, Knowledge, Healing, Prophecy and Tongues are 5 gifts of the Spirit that were no longer given to men after the NT scriptures were completed.
NOTE:- Filling with the Spirit should not be confused with Jesus giving the
indwelling presence to a Convert after the Church began. When a Christian
or OT Saint is or was 'Filled' with the Spirit, it means God enabled this person to do what God called him to do.
Back to Discontinued Gifts: God still does miraculus things, but God no longer gives man this ability. (James 5:14-15) Today if any are sick, let him call the Elders of the Church to anoint with oil and pray over him. The prayer of faith will save the sick. Speaking in Tongues today isn't scriptural. If God is speaking to and through someone and only God understands doesn't this mean God is talking to Himself?
(1 Cor. 13:8-10)- Prophecies will fail, Tongues will cease; When that which is 'perfect' is come, that which is in part will be done away. Some say that 'Perfect' is a reference to Jesus return. The reference is to (James 1:23-25). The 'Word of God' is referred to as the 'Perfect' Law of Liberty. When people received the Bible, then, faith was required, not men doing miracles.
Opinions or additions welcome.

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