Tuesday, September 23, 2008
1)- He will be Italian: (Dan.9:26)-The people of the prince that will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The prince is the one that causes the Abomination of Desolation, the Antichrist. The city & Sanctuary was destroyed in 70AD by Titus and his Roman army. (Italians)
2)- He will be a little King: (Dan.7:7-8) A Horn in prophecy symbolizes a King. There were 10 Horns and a little Horn came up before whom 3 of the first Horns were plucked up by the roots. Antichrist will take leadership of these three countries by consent.
3)- He will be, or will represent one of the seven Heads: (Rev.13:1-3) The 7 Heads represent 7 world kingdoms: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medes/Persians, Greece, Roman, and the coming revived Roman Empire which is the present EU.
4)- His name/title will add up to 666: The Popes official title is Vicar Of The Son Of God. In Latin: Vicarius Filii Dei; using Roman Numerals this adds up to 666. This official title is used only at the coronation of a new pope.
5)- He will be the embodiment of the evil trinity: Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet. In his political capacity he will be Antichrist. In his religious capacity he will be the False Prophet. He will be indwelled by Satan.
6)- Antichrist will not be revealed until the church is raptured out: See Blog (30) ST. MALACHYS' PREDICTION OF THE SOON COMING OF CHRIST. (2 Thess.2:3-6) First comes a 'Falling Away'. We are experiencing that now as the church drifts further away from God and becomes more worldly. They don't teach much about eternal damnation for the religious, but lost, anymore. Then, the restrainer will be taken out of the way; that's the church, because (1 Thess.1:10)- Jesus delivered us from the wrath to come./ So, Antichrist can't appear until all christians are raptured out; before the Tribulation period begins.
7)- He will be a man of peace. Some will believe he is the messiah: (Dan.9:27) One of his first acts will be to covenant with the Jews for one week of yrs., and allow them to rebuild their Temple. But, in the middle of the week (3 1/2 yrs) he will enter the Temple, stop the animal sacrifices and demand to be worshipped as God. This will begin 'The Great Tribulation', and the slaughter of the 'Two Witnesses', along with their converts. See Blog (17) Two Witnesses of Revelations.
8)- The seven heads are also 7 Kings: (Rev.17:10) There are 7 Kings, 5 are fallen; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece. One is now, the Roman Empire. One is not yet come, the Revived Roman Empire (European Union). This was so in the first century AD, when it was written. (Rev.17:11)- After 3 Kings (Of EU 10 members with full voting rights) accept the Pope as their leader, He then becomes leader of the other 7 also. Now he is the 8th King of the EU, and the 7th head/ King among the world Kingdoms.
9)- The seven heads are also 7 Mountains (Rev.7:9): These seven mountains are the seven hills of Rome at the time of this prophecy. This is where the woman sits. The woman is a reference to the whore in (Rev.17:16) The whore is referring to the unfaithful church; The headquarters of the Catholic Church in Vatican City.
10)- The Pope is a little King of a soveriegn city: Vatican City is .7 of a sq. mile, surrounded by the city of Rome, but Rome has no authority there. The pope has no army, but much influence. He is head of the unfaithful church; but, there are christians in it that read the Bible and don't worship Mary. In (Rev.18:4)- Jesus says to the christians, "Come out of her my people".
11)- The ten Kings out of 27 members of the EU: The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain & Greece; these are the member nations that have full voting rights, the others are associate members. My guess is that France, Germany and Italy will fall in behind the Antichrist who the will then become leader of the other seven countries.
12)- The Antichrist will be the first man cast into the 'Lake of Fire': (Rev.19:20)- The beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet (As I previously mentioned, the same person serving in a different capacity) ; they both were cast into the 'Lake of Fire'.
13)- The Antichrist will be the King of the North:- Muslim countries from Iran to Egypt will make up the King of the South. (Dan.11:36-45) The King of the south will push at the King of the North. This is already happening. The Muslims want to be a world power and are attacking inside of many european countries. It is Muslim 'Jihad', Islam against the world. They captured British sailors, and even with a warship at the ready, England chickened out. The world is trying to appease them, but it won't work. After they get stronger, we'll have to fight. The EU is now wanting it's own army. They will get it soon. When the church is gone and Antichrist is in control, he will attack the King of the South (Iran, the leader) and defeat them. He will also enter Israel and set up his palace. He is now worried about news from the North (Russia) and the east China). The Euphrates river (Rev.16:12) will dry up making way for the Kings of the east (Probably Russia & China, who are getting cozy now). (Rev.9:15-16)- The armies from the east (200, 000, 000 men) will cross the dried up Euphrates River. I believe that they will be coming to the 'Battle of Armageddon' to take over all the oil fields in the Middle East.
14)- Where are we now in this scenario? Keep in mind, when you read scripture, that is truth. When I or anyone else talks about and tries to interpret scripture, that is opinion. (1 John 4:1)- Try the spirits, whether they are of God, for many false prophets are gone out into the world./ We, as christians, are responsible for checking out every doctrine, to see if it's according to the Word of God.
Before the Rapture takes place, I think that the European Union will have an Army. They are working on that now. I think that Jerusalem needs to be an International City. That way, the Antichrist will have the authority to give the Jews the go-ahead to rebuild their Temple. I think that the next Pope will be the Antichrist, in which case we'll be gone during the reign of Pope Benedict. According to St. Malachs' prediction, Pope Benedict is the 111th Pope since Pope Innocent 2 , in the 12th century. The 112th Pope will, "Feed his flock many tribulations and the Dreadful Judge will destroy the city (Rome) and judge the world. I would have guessed that either the next Pope, or either the one after would be Antichrist. It really looks bad in the Middle East, because Iran is near to getting the A-Bomb, or possibly the H-Bomb; then, they plan to wipe Israel off the map. Incidentally, Their maps don't have Israel on them now. After Israel, we're next. Israel doesn't plan to let this happen. Iran thinks that even if they lose 60% of their population, that would be acceptable. (2 Cor.6:2) Now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation./ It isn't too late, yet. Con
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Who is St. Malchus? Your account of the Tribulation and Great Tribulation make sense and more or less parallels what I have read and understood. Keep up the good work.
St. Malachy was an Irish Catholic who lived in the 12th century. I think that you'll find more information in Blog (30) ST. MALACHY'S PREDICTION OF THE SOON COMING OF CHRIST. Following the Blog you'll find a print-out of an article from the Catholic Encyclopaedia. Thanks for your comment.
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