Saturday, June 14, 2008


Marriage is an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. (Matt.7:22-23)- Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you (know = intimate relationship): depart from me, ye that work iniquity./ It depends on whether you are just a hearer of the Word, or are you also a doer of the Word. God doesn't take it lightly if a person is religious but likes to live on the edge of sin, not making Jesus 'Lord' as well as saviour. If your friends don't know that you are a christian, then maybe you aren't. Adam knew Eve and she bore a son. To 'know' can mean a reference to knowledge, or it can mean to have an intimate relationship. (Rev.19:7-9)- Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, write Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb/ (Matt.26:26-29)- When Jesus instituted 'The Lord's Supper', He said, "I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until the day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom./ Jesus will drink the fruit of the vine with the saved when we get to heaven and at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Heaven is the Father's Kingdom. Jesus' Kingdom will be earth. Jesus is the Bridegroom & the Church is the Bride. (Luke 14:15-24)- This is a parable of the Great Supper. A certain man God) made a great supper and sent his servant (Jesus) to tell all who were bidden (Jews) to come for all things were ready. The servant returned, but no guests came. They were all busy. He sent the servant out to call the poor, the halt (crippled), the maimed (missing or useless limb) & blind. There was still room so he sent to the highways & byways to call others (Gentiles). The Marriage Supper of the Lamb was planned before creation. The 'bidden' were the Jews in general, but they refused the invitation, so the Gentiles were called & whosoever will. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth by them who thought they were saved, but were not. The different stages of a Jewish marriage are 1)- Betrothal 2)- Presentation 3)- Ceremony 4)- Marriage 5)- The Groom takes the Bride home. The betrothal was before creation. The presentation of the Bride will be the Rapture of the church. There will be festivities in heaven culminating with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Then, Jesus will take the Bride home (Jesus' second coming to earth). At the end of Jesus' (and our) millennial reign and after the Great White Throne Judgement, Jesus will burn and remodel the earth; then the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven to earth as a bride adorned for her husband -(Rev.21:2) Jesus will take the church back to heaven to wait until the earth is ready as their new home. The church was in the New Jerusalem as it descended to the Garden of Eden-like earth. The meek will inherit the earth. The Wedding Supper of the Lamb will occur at the end of the seven years of Tribulation. (1 Thess.4:13-17)- At this Rapture, Jesus will bring with Him the spirits of them in Paradise. This will include OT & NT Saints who have died. Their spirits will join their incorruptibly resurrected bodies as the Saints who are still alive will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. But, all of the Body of Christ won't be in heaven yet. The 144,000 Witnesses [See Blog (7) TWO WITNESSES] plus their converts martyred during the 2ND half of the Trib. period. [See Blog(9)TRIBULATION RAPTURE] (Rev.11:3-12)- The Witnesses prophecy for 1,260 days (First half of 7 yr. Tribulation). God has protected them from His Plagues, but after the Abomination of Desolation when Satan & his angels are ejected from heaven permanently, an angry Satan working through the Antichrist, martyers the Witnesses over a period of 3 1/2 days (3 1/2 years). Then, Jesus brings their spirits out of Paradise to enter their new eternal bodies. They stand on their feet and Jesus says, "Come up here". Now, all of the Bride of Christ is in heaven for 'The Marriage Supper of the Lamb'. The 7 YRS Tribulation is over, but there is needed time between that and Jesus 2ND coming (with the Saints) for the 'Wedding Supper'. (Daniel 12:11-12)- There shall be 1,290 days (This will be an extra 30 days at the end of th 2nd 1,260 days period) The Marriage Supper lasts for 30 days, then we come to earth with Jesus to the 'Battle of Armageddon'. Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1,335 days (This will be an extra 40 days period for completion of the Battle of Aemageddon). These blessed ones are the remnant of Jews that didn't take the 'Mark of the Beast' and now recognize their Messiah. They will be saved from the final destruction of the people of the earth during Armageddon & enter into the Millennium in their bodies of flesh. (Zech.14:5-10)- The Lord helps them to escape from the armies of Antichrist. These are the people that will repopulate the earth. We will be Kings & Priests & Lords.-(Rev.1:6) -(Rev.2:26-27) (Rev.17:14)- Jesus will be King of Kings & Lord of Lords. We are the chosen and faithful. Con

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the power in that name,Jesus. Also how the word (Jesus,John 1:1) is sharper than a two edged sword. Many people have been saved under false teachers and false preachers, simply by the word being spoken. A computer generated voice can speak the word and cause a person to believe...yet it can't be saved. Those that say Lord,Lord are like this.

In Christ,