Tuesday, March 25, 2008
(REV. 13:1-2)- I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having 7 heads and 10 horns, and upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. The beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion; and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority./ This is an illustration of the world kingdoms past and the last one that is now in the making. The seven heads symbolize seven kingdoms. The 10 horns represent 10 kings (Nations) that combine to make up the final world kingdom. The 7 heads represent Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece, Roman Empire and the future Roman Empire. The future Roman Empire is now under construction as the European Union. (DAN. 2:31-35)- God used Daniel to explain Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a great image. The head of gold was Babylon, the shoulders of silver was Media/Persia, the thighs of brass was Greece, the legs of iron was Rome. The ten toes was the revived Roman Empire (10 toes/10 horns). The toes were a mixture of clay and iron, an empire loosely held together. The stone that struck the toes was Christ. Jesus will destroy this final world empire at his 2nd coming and will fill the earth. (REV. 13:2)- The lion was the symbol of Babylon, the bear was Media/Persia and the leopard was Greece -(DAN.7:4-6). The dragon (Satan) will give the antichrist his power. Satan copies after God at times. The evil trinity is Satan, Antichrist & False Prophet. I believe that the antichrist & false prophet are the same person. In his political capacity he is antichrist & in his religious capacity he is the false prophet. (REV.13:11-12)- I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. He exercises all the powerof the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound is healed./ This beast out of the earth will be the 2nd person of the evil trinity and with two horns as a lamb copies the 2nd person of God, Jesus, the lamb of God. He speaks as a dragon (Satan). (REV. 13:14)- The false prophet tells the world to make an image of the first beast, which had a wound by the sword and did live. This is a reference to the 1st beast, the original Roman Empire that was wounded, and ceased to exist (406AD) as a unified empire. It was never conquered, but like the present day United States that is collapsing from within, from multiculturism. We have lost our christian compass that made us great. The Roman Empire was wounded, but now is living again; not strong as iron but weak like iron mixed with clay. Using this image, as required by the False Prophet, the people will worship the Antichrist who claims to be God. (REV. 16:13-18)- The Beast causes everyone to receive a Mark, or the name, or the number of his name in the right hand, or in their forehead. I believe this will be an identification required to stop identity theft and to give details of the person. It may be an embedded chip or bar code. Without it, a person couldn't buy groceries or have a job, but with it you choose eternal damnation. There will be some in Israel, and probably other places, that refuse the mark and recognize the Messiah at His 2nd appearance and consequently survive Armageddon and live into the millenial reign of Jesus, but in their fleshly bodies. This remnant will repopulate the world with families. We, in our eternal bodies will be like the angels, Sons of God, physically and spititually. We will help Jesus rule the world as Kings -(REV. 1:6). (Jesus will be King of Kings)
(REV. 17:9-12)- The seven heads are also seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings, five are fallen, one is, and another is not yet come. The beast is the eighth, and is of the seven. The ten horns are 10 kings that serve with the beast a short time./ The seven heads are the seven world kingdoms mentioned, but the heads also represent seven mountains where the woman sits. (REV. 17:1)- The whore is the unfaithful Bride of Christ (The church that exists around the world, that is unfaithful) She has had intercourse with the world. She sits on seven mountains, the seven hills of Rome. And, She rides the beast with seven heads and 10 horns -(REV. 17:3) The ' Treaty of Rome' brought about the establishment of the European Economic Community in Capitoline Palace on Capitoline Hill. In this Palace room was a statue of Pope Innocent. (NOTE:- Please correct me if I get my facts wrong.) Capitoline Hill is one of the seven hills of the original Rome. The woman sits on seven mountains (Hills). This is the seat of the unfaithfull church. And, in Rome where the revived Roman Empire gets its beginning. (In 1947 at the Treaty of London was the beginning of the Community of Nations. It had 10 nations sign, and advanced then to Rome in 1954 for the EEC) (REV. 17:10)-There are seven kings (Before described as seven World Kingdoms). Five (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media/Persia and Greece) are fallen, one is (Rome) and one is not yet come (Revived Roman Empire). The king of the revived Roman Empire will be Antichrist. After he, as a little horn (Little King) roots out 3 of the 10 horns -(DAN. 7:7-8) , (takes the leadership of 3 of the ten Kings) (Probably Italy, Germany and France) and then leadership of the other seven kings also, making him the eighth king, and as becoming leader of the 7th world kingdom. He then is the eighth king and one of the seven heads. (Go ahead tell me, "It's plain as mud")
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will the antichrist come out of the U.S.? and who do you think babylon is?
Read the last part of Blog (12). There I touch on the Antichrist. He will be a future Pope. The Popes' official Title is 'Vicar Of The Son Of God'. It is used only when a new Pope is crowned. In Latin this 'Vicarius Filii Dei'. Using Roman numerals, this adds up to 666. This alone isn't conclusive.I am going to write another Blog about this. I have failed to get my newer Threads on to my 'Whadda Ya Think' on Blogspot. Check my Blogs on 'ferralpuppies.blogster.com ' Read my Blog (30)ST. MALACHYS' PREDICTION OF THE SOON COMING OF CHRIST. I agree with his prediction, but I had predetermined this before I heard of St. Malachy. I just wasn't sure whether it would be the next Pope or the one after. Now it is my opinion that the church will be taken out before Pope Benedicts successor is crowned, for the next Pope will be the Antichrist, I think. Thanks for your comment. Follow up on this with me. I really think that I'm right on this.
PA- We have to go to the Book of Daniel to make more connection. The Anti christ will be Italian (Dan.9:27)- The City and Temple was destroyed in 70AD by Titus (Rome) These are the people of Antichrist. (Italian) (Dan.7:8)- The Antichrist is the little horn (King) that takes leadership of 3 of the other 10 Kings. (The 10 Nations of the EU that have full voting rights.) The EU is the revived Roman Empire. Read my Blog about The 7 Heads & 10 Horns.
Who is Babylon? This is 'Babylon the great'(Rev.18:1-8). It is the great unfaithful church, the prostitute that sits on 7 mountains (7 hills of Rome) The Catholic Church with headquarters in Vatican City, in Rome. Babylon began at the Tower of Babel (Gen.11:1-9)with the descendents of Noah, Nimrod. Nimrods' wife & child were the first (False) mother/son diety. The catholics are now doing that with Mary/Jesus. Later Babylon became a city that was anti-God. The Catholic Church in the Tribulation is worse. It is Babylon the Great. There are christians in the Catholic Church. In (Rev.18:4) Jesus said, "Come out of her my people. Con
PS- I suceeded in getting my later Threads on this Site.Check out(30).
I wanted to comment on the number of the beast, which I think you can find what it means here.
Also, to assume the Antichrist will be a Pope gives far more credibility to the Catholic church than it deserves.
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Concerning the Mark of the Beast 666: The Pope's Title 'Vicar Of The Son Of God' or Latin 'Vicarius Filii Dei' using Roman Numerals adds up to 666. I think the Antichrist will be the Pope following pope Benedict XVI (See Posts #30-& #31.
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